SliderFood is MedicineA Natural Heart Tonic Based on an 800-Year-Old Recipe

It is parsley wine, an elixir for the heart that was invented in the Middle Ages by the German Benedictine nun and visionary Hildegard of Bingen, otherwise known as a supporter of moderate living, natural foods, and herbal medicines.

In the world today, the number of people who, most often due to increased stress, have heart problems, such as arrhythmia, tachycardia or rapid heartbeat and angina pectoris…

And while medicine offers numerous synthetic heart medications, there is an effective natural recipe that is more than 800 years old.

It is parsley wine, an elixir for the heart that was invented in the Middle Ages by the German Benedictine nun and visionary Hildegard of Bingen, otherwise known as a supporter of moderate living, natural food and herbal medicines.

The parsley wine, which she invented, is a cure for the most severe heart diseases, as well as for rheumatic pains and heart failure, and is especially recommended for the elderly.

This Hildegard heart tonic can also help with stress, as well as increased fatigue and anxiety.

It is also recommended for heart overload during the cold and flu season.

Interestingly, even doctors have adopted her natural recipe, and the famous Austrian herbalist Maria Treben has spread the word about it.

The ingredients included in this heart remedy are wine (preferably homemade), parsley, vinegar, and honey.

Wine – an ancient folk remedy

Wine has long been known as an elixir for health – it is only important to be moderate in its quantity. The Bible even mentions “wine that makes the heart rejoice.”

Hildegard also believed that moderate consumption of homemade wine is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

Among other things, she believed that wine additionally stimulates circulation.

Wine becomes even more medicinal if some healthy herbs are added to it. In this case, it is parsley.

Parsley – for circulation and healthy blood vessels

This green herb, in addition to being an excellent diuretic, is also rich in folate (vitamin B9), which helps prevent heart disease.

Folate actually helps convert homocysteine, which can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of heart attack, into a benign molecule.

Parsley also contains essential oils, which also have a beneficial effect on heart function and circulation.

For the best medicinal properties, always choose dark green fresh parsley without yellow leaves.

Honey – to lower blood pressure and regulate heart rate

In this folk remedy, honey is added to wine and parsley. This popular bee product is an excellent source of antioxidants.

According to a study, honey helps lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, and prevent the death of healthy cells.

Thanks to all this, it has a very beneficial effect on heart and blood vessel health.

For Hildegard’s recipe, choose high-quality homemade honey because it is the richest in antioxidants, which are crucial for cardiovascular health.

Natural remedy for the heart – parsley wine recipe


10 stalks of fresh parsley
1 l homemade red wine
2 tablespoons of wine vinegar
300 g of honey


Pour a liter of homemade wine and 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar into a pot. Add the parsley stalks along with the leaves, let it boil and cook for about 10 minutes.

Then add the honey and continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes.

Strain and pour into sterilized bottles. Close tightly. You can also freely consume the sediment that forms.


Drink 1-3 tablespoons of parsley wine every day until you notice improvement.

In case of severe heart disease, consume this drink for a longer period of time.

In case of heart palpitations, you can drink larger amounts of this natural remedy – until the heart calms down.

Take parsley wine in case of pain in the heart area, palpitations, chest tightness.

This natural remedy is also great for insomnia. For this purpose, drink half a glass before going to bed.

This wine is a good help for chronic rheumatic diseases, as well as for recovering from a heart attack.

If you are worried because honey needs to be boiled, in this case there is a good reason.

Namely, by boiling honey in alcohol, good ingredients for the heart and circulation are created – glycosides.

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