The world’s most famous doctor turned 85 on December 22nd and is still in great shape. Through his personal example, he tries to motivate people to take care of their health.
Leo Bokeria claims that if you want to have a healthy heart, you should follow these 5 rules:
Walk regularly
It has been proven that regular walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease sevenfold and extends life expectancy by 5-7 years. But running between home and work has nothing to do with physical activity. Stress and walking are not compatible. You have to walk in the fresh air at a certain pace. You have to cover the same distance with great consistency and, optimally, in a good mood.
For many years, the heart surgeon himself and his family walked around Moscow. Anyone could join them. During the walk, the doctor happily answered the questions people asked him.
As for the number of steps per day, research shows that 8 to 12 thousand steps are needed for health. To reduce the risks of some diseases, it is enough to increase activity to 5.5 thousand steps per day, but in most cases, a significant effect is achieved when 10 thousand steps are exceeded.
Watch your weight
The Mediterranean diet, which is dominated by plant foods and healthy fats, is considered the healthiest for the heart. But this doctor has practiced the diet of American astronauts twice in his life. The basis of this diet is boiled meat and fish. Flour and sweet foods are excluded, salt is limited as much as possible, and side dishes are not recommended. But fresh greens can be eaten in any quantity.
This diet helps maintain weight, which is also important for the heart. I always reset my body this way.
Stick to a routine
“It’s not just important to get enough sleep (7 hours of sleep is the minimum for normal heart function), but also to always go to bed at the same time. The heart rate cycle increases throughout the day and stops when a person falls asleep. This allows the heart to rest.”
Avoid cigarettes and alcohol
Leo Boqueria was a heavy smoker for many years, but he quit smoking in one day. And he didn’t drink alcohol for years.
Chronic smoking causes spasm of the coronary vessels. Less blood and oxygen reaches the heart, causing damage that then leads to irregular heart rhythms. Alcohol is not beneficial in any dose. In the body, it breaks down into components, one of which is hydrochloric acid, which damages the nerve endings of the stomach.
Be positive
“This is the main habit that allows you to stay healthy. When I get up in the morning, I try to do something to cheer up my wife and lift her mood.”