Eat more dietary fiber, which will keep you fuller for longer and help reduce your appetite.
If you want to lose weight by next summer, you don’t have to wait until May to take action.
The fact is that weight gain is most common in the fall and winter, so you should first prevent this so that you can be satisfied with your body in the summer.
However, permanent weight loss is not a process that happens overnight.
Which means you should start working on yourself now so that you can see results in the summer.
How to avoid gaining weight and lose weight during the fall and winter?
Avoid certain foods.
You don’t have to give up your favorite fast food to get in shape.
You just have to be moderate with it.
But in addition to fatty and high-carb foods, there are other foods that can cause bloating, especially if you have stomach problems.
These include foods like cabbage, beans, and chickpeas, which you should eat, but not every day.
Drink plenty of fluids, mostly water
In winter we sweat less, so most people forget about water intake.
However, you shouldn’t wait until you’re very thirsty to drink something.
Drink plenty of fluids in winter too, and instead of just water, you can drink more tea, of course, without sugar.
Eat more soups
Warm soups are ideal for fall and winter days, especially as a light dinner.
Soup will fill you up, and if you make it with lots of vegetables, it will be really healthy too.
Do strength training and cardio
It is important to combine both types of exercise for the best results.
While cardio burns calories and fat, weight training will help you strengthen your muscles.
If you can, it is ideal to do cardio exercises in the morning because they will also give you energy.
Do strength training exercises in the evening.
Eat more protein
Protein is an important part of your diet, especially if you exercise.
In addition, protein also speeds up your metabolism, which will further help you lose weight.
If you eat meat, it is best to give preference to chicken.
If you do not eat meat, there are excellent plant-based sources of protein such as tofu, lentils, peas, quinoa…