Because the liver is a very important organ, it is extremely important to provide it with enough vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your diet.
One of the most important organs in the human body, the liver performs over 500 different functions in our body.
It is responsible not only for the production of bile and good digestion, but also for storing important nutrients and vitamins, as well as for detoxifying the body.
In addition, it helps us defend ourselves against infections and many diseases. And that is just some of the many tasks it performs.
Since the liver is a very important organ, it is extremely important to provide it with enough vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in your diet.
If you consume unhealthy fats, sugar, processed foods and alcohol, your liver is certainly overloaded.
A weakened liver also produces less bile, which causes excess toxins and undigested fats to accumulate in the body, which disrupts not only the digestive system, but also overall health.
All of this leads to a slowed metabolism, excess weight, but also various minor and serious diseases.
Homemade liver elixir
To help your liver function optimally, in addition to a healthy diet, give it an extra boost in the form of a homemade drink made exclusively from natural ingredients.
To prepare it, you will need grapefruit, lemon, garlic, ginger, mint, flaxseed oil, and cumin – all super-healthy ingredients that stimulate the liver.
Thanks to the good functioning of the liver, your metabolism, i.e. weight loss, will also accelerate.
Find out below why these ingredients are crucial for the liver and metabolism and how to prepare a healing elixir from them.
Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits such as grapefruit and lemon promote liver detoxification. They work by stimulating the production of enzymes such as aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase, which are key to detoxification.
Citrus fruits also help the liver convert dangerous toxins into less dangerous, water-soluble substances that are then more easily excreted from the body.
Grapefruit contains naringin and naringenin, antioxidants that reduce inflammation and thus protect the liver from damage.
Lemon is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, ingredients that protect liver health.
This powerful spice contains, among other things, sulfur compounds. They activate liver enzymes that promote the elimination of toxins from the body. In this way, they help the liver in its work.
Garlic also contains selenium, an important micronutrient that stimulates the functions of enzymes in the liver that act as antioxidants.
Ginger reduces the risk of liver disease, and at the same time stimulates digestion. Thanks to this, it also helps with weight loss.
This root contains powerful substances such as gingerol and shogaol, which inhibit inflammatory processes and protect cells from damage, thus supporting the health and functioning of the liver.
This plant stimulates the work of digestion and favors liver health by stimulating its detoxification.
Mint also stimulates the work of the pancreas and cleanses the body of waste products. In addition, it cleanses the stomach and promotes the elimination of mucus.
The spice with the Latin name Cuminum cyminum stimulates the production of bile, which facilitates digestion. It also stimulates the activity of digestive enzymes, thereby accelerating digestion and metabolism.
Contributes to healthy weight loss and balances blood sugar levels.
Flaxseed oil
Flaxseed contains lignans, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which contribute to liver health. Flax, as well as its oil, are excellent for the functioning of the digestive system and are considered a true natural laxative.
This healthy oil also reduces inflammatory processes in the body and helps prevent heart disease.
Homemade elixir for weight loss and liver health
6 lemons
3 grapefruits
4 garlic cloves
10 cm ginger root (or 5 tablespoons ginger powder)
a few fresh mint leaves
1 teaspoon cumin powder
3 tablespoons flaxseed oil
0.5 l boiled water
Squeeze the lemon and grapefruit juice into a bowl. Add fresh mint, ginger and garlic to a blender and blend. Strain the resulting mixture and mix with the citrus juice (lemon and grapefruit). Add flaxseed oil, cumin and water to it and mix everything well.
Drink this liver elixir in the morning on an empty stomach 2-3 times a week.
Grapefruit should not be taken by people who are taking certain medications due to possible interactions.