Reduces blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar

Just two cups of pomegranate seeds a day can replace multivitamin pills! This fruit can also be successfully used to treat cramps, stomach ulcers, and heartburn.

Pomegranates have a beneficial effect on the entire organism, and their value is invaluable due to the fact that they contain more vitamin C than oranges and lemons, as well as because the vitamin C content does not decrease with heat treatment, but on the contrary, after ten minutes of cooking, the amount of vitamin C even increases, research shows.

Did you know that just two cups of pomegranate seeds a day can replace multivitamin tablets? Its power does not stop there.

Reduces cholesterol

The antioxidants in pomegranate will reduce cholesterol in the body. If you suffer from increased fat, it is recommended to drink pomegranate tea regularly. The same advice applies to those with hypertension and heart problems.

Rich in antioxidants

It contains high levels of antioxidants, such as carotenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols, which have the function of protecting immunity, and will also be of great support in the prevention of malignant tumors and diseases of the blood vessels.

Regulates sugar levels

People with diabetes will also benefit from this medicinal plant: it regulates blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Regenerates skin cells
It is good for treating scars, acne, burns. It prevents skin drying and supports its hydration. Drinking pomegranate tea is good for the skin because it contains vitamin A, which maintains skin elasticity and prevents the formation of wrinkles and spots.

Works on bones

Vitamin C in pomegranate is responsible for the production of collagen in the body, which is necessary for bone structure.

Produces red blood cells

The iron in pomegranate produces red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, which decreases during the menstrual cycle. Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron.

Treats stomach diseases

It can be successfully used in the treatment of cramps, stomach ulcers, and stomach acid.

The peel contains more than 20 percent tannin. It is an effective remedy for diarrhea. Pomegranate tea is made from dried peel that is chopped into smaller pieces and stored in a dry place. You need 3 large tablespoons of finely chopped peel that is poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and strain before consumption.

The tea is also useful for removing intestinal parasites and intestinal infections.

Reduces the risk of prostate cancer

The content of plant hormones reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Pomegranate can lead to a decrease in PSA values ​​in the blood by drinking 250 ml. of pomegranate juice daily.

We have two methods for quickly removing the seeds

Cut the pomegranate in half.
Grasp one half with your fingers so that the cut side of the fruit is facing your palm, but does not touch it.
Hold your hand over the container in which you will collect the seeds.
Take a spoon and tap harder on the round side of the pomegranate with the peel.
The seeds will fall into the bowl, undamaged by the impact.

Another way is to submerge the pomegranate in a bowl of cold water and clean it under the water. The skins are light and will float to the surface, while the seeds will remain at the bottom.

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