Want to lose body fat and shape your body?
Anjuli Mack has some great tips to help you get started on your fitness journey. She knows firsthand how much hard work, consistency, and perseverance it takes to achieve your dream look. With proper nutrition and training, Anjuli lost 10 pounds and completely transformed her body, becoming a bikini model.

Now, she helps women become the best version of themselves and be happy, healthy, and strong. Here are her tips for speeding up the process of reducing body fat and losing weight.

Tips to speed up your body fat loss
Increase your thermogenesis when you’re not working out. Set a goal for how many steps you should take each day and be consistent. Take the stairs, park your car further away from your workplace or get off the bus earlier, swap half an hour of Netflix for a walk with a loved one.
Drink more water. This is a huge understatement. Our bodies need water to repair, lose fat, and maintain overall health. If you notice that your body is retaining more water or you’re bloated, drink more.
Reduce stress. You can’t expect to lose weight if your cortisol levels are high 24/7.
Get 7-9 hours of sleep. Sleep affects the regulation and metabolism of several hormones – growth hormone levels, melatonin, cortisol, leptin, and ghrelin. Leptin is a hormone that is produced in fat cells and reduces your appetite. Ghrelin is a hormone that increases appetite and plays a big role in weight gain. That’s why you sometimes feel hungrier after a bad night’s sleep.
Do something you enjoy – yoga, pilates, weight training, home training, CrossFit… Structured workouts and progression are super important if you want to make progress, but at the end of the day, if you don’t do them… they won’t help you.
Focus on protein and fiber intake and be flexible with fats and carbs within your calorie deficit.
Stop hesitating and hire a fitness trainer. Then, really follow the advice they give you.

Last June, Anjuli posted a video with 10 things she wished she had known when she started her weight loss journey.
Comparing yourself to others won’t help you. “I was unhappy comparing myself to others and wanting to look like someone else. What I needed to do is what I’m doing now – focusing on being the best version of myself.”
You shouldn’t try to imitate someone else’s lifestyle. “You can’t expect to copy what others are doing and expect the same results. We are unique and need unique plans that are ‘tailored’ to our goals, our body type and our individual preferences. The point is to find what works for you and enjoy doing it and see yourself doing it long-term.”
Beware of people selling you weight loss products. “There will always be companies looking for a way to make money off of you. They will sell you quick results, detox teas, waist belts, every type of bad diet you can imagine… I know this because I have bought them.”
The key is in the diet. “You can’t ‘outdo’ a bad diet. If you think you can go to the gym Monday through Friday and then eat whatever you want on the weekend, it doesn’t work that way. If you want to lose weight, you have to understand that the only way to do it is through a calorie deficit.”
It’s pointless to try to reduce fat in just one area of your body. “As women, fat is most often found in our stomachs, hips, and thighs because of the way we are built. If you want to reduce fat in a specific area of your body, then you have to be consistent in your diet and training. If you do 100 crunches every day, you might build a strong core, but you won’t lose belly fat if you don’t have a proper diet.”
It’s important to know what you’re doing at the gym. “When I started my fitness journey, I knew nothing about the mind-body connection. I never focused on the muscle groups I was working out, I just did the movements. Even though I was in good shape, sometimes I prioritized the weight I was lifting instead of focusing on my form.”
No one is watching you while you work out. In the past, Anjuli was embarrassed to do squats because she thought everyone would be looking at her, but she soon realized that wasn’t true. “No one cares. After all, everyone is so focused on their workout or looking at themselves in the mirror that they don’t care what you’re doing.”
Cardio workouts aren’t the most effective way to lose weight, but they’re not the enemy. “I wish someone had told me earlier that the most effective way to shape my body is through diet, weight training, and a healthy amount of cardio.” Mack’s goal is to walk 8,000 steps a day.
Overly strict diets only lead to overeating. “Restricting food was a big problem for me, and I would have made much more progress if I had a balance.”
Setting clear goals is key. “Finding why you want to achieve something is finding your motivation when you don’t feel like doing it. Your goal should be something that drives you.”