Personality tests with optical illusions are very popular, and besides being interesting, they can reveal the secrets of our subconscious and the hidden parts of the mind.
We bring you an extremely interesting test, and you have to answer a simple question: “What did you notice first in this picture – a butterfly or a couple in love?”.
There is a high possibility that you are facing a personal change or a profound transformation in a certain aspect of your life. The butterfly is a symbol of change and easy passage through it and indicates that fate is opening a new phase in your life to which you will quickly adapt.

Throw away everything that is old and no longer needed, because you are ready for a new life. The butterfly can symbolize the beginning of a love affair, a change of job, or a personal transformation in the form of rejecting some attitudes and adopting new ones, as well as changing previously planned plans.
Couple in love
This is a sign that you are a gentle and romantic soul, whose heart seeks true love. Although love is an element of happiness, you should not enter into relationships at any cost and endure some things just so that you are not alone.
Love is support and understanding, something that brings only light, never darkness. There is a risk for you of entering into negative relationships and disappointment. When you learn that self-love is a prerequisite for all other loves, then you will find happiness on a romantic level as well.