Natural remedy for blood fat: Dried figs in vinegar

Hyperlipidemia, or increased fat levels, affects an increasing number of people, mostly due to unhealthy lifestyles, poor diet, and smoking.

People with hyperlipidemia have an increased risk of atherosclerosis, as well as other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, it is important to take all necessary steps as soon as possible so that this condition does not develop into something even more dangerous.

In addition to changing your diet and lifestyle, you can also use natural recipes to reduce blood fat.

We reveal an old folk remedy that will help you reduce fat and triglycerides. All you need for this are dried figs and quality apple cider vinegar.

Although fresh figs are only available at the end of summer, the good news is that you can get dried figs and eat them throughout the year.

Properly dried figs have a higher content of antioxidants and phenolic substances (important for reducing fat) than fresh ones.

If you have your own fig tree, be sure to dry these juicy and super healthy fruits to have them all year round.

When it comes to apple cider vinegar, choose high-quality organic or homemade, as it has the greatest healing properties.

The benefits of figs for the circulatory system

Among other things, figs are rich in vitamins A, B and K and minerals, such as magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, phosphorus and zinc.

Both fresh and dried figs are an excellent source of an extremely important mineral – iron.

In addition to reducing fat, thanks to the abundance of dietary fiber, figs are a true natural laxative, which means they eliminate constipation and stimulate digestion.

One dried fig contains as much as 129 mg of potassium and only 2 mg of sodium, which is great news for those who consume a lot of salt.

Excess salt leads to an imbalance between sodium and potassium, which is a cause of hypertension or high blood pressure.

Dried figs restore these two minerals to balance and help lower blood pressure, thereby protecting the health of blood vessels and the heart.

Dried figs are rich in powerful antioxidants, which suppress the action of free radicals.

Free radicals can damage blood vessels and endanger heart health.

It is also important to note that figs do not contain fat.

Apple cider vinegar – a traditional natural remedy for excess fat

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most famous natural remedies in folk medicine.

Since the time of Hippocrates, it has been used as an aid in the treatment of various diseases, from obesity to diabetes, to blood vessel diseases.

Since it has the effect of reducing fats in the blood, as studies show, it is also valued as a natural remedy for hyperlipidemia.

The study showed that in people who consumed apple cider vinegar daily for eight weeks, the level of bad cholesterol decreased.

Daily consumption of 15 ml of apple cider vinegar (750 mg of acetic acid) also reduces the symptoms of other conditions, such as obesity and hypertension.

Consuming organic apple cider vinegar certainly contributes to lowering blood pressure, as well as healthy weight loss.

The therapeutic properties of apple cider vinegar are mainly due to acetic acid, as well as phenolic substances that improve lipid metabolism.

Dried figs in vinegar – recipe

At night, take three dried figs and prick them well with a toothpick.

Place them in a jar in which you have placed 2 dl of apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade).

Let them stand overnight and consume them the next day.

Prepare three new figs every night and eat them in the morning. You can use the same vinegar for a week.

Then use new vinegar and consume figs with vinegar every day for 14 days, as long as this natural therapy lasts.

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